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Autor Mensaje
Nivel 7

Edad: 43
Registrado: 19 Feb 2006
Mensajes: 406
Ubicación: bsas
Carrera: Electrónica
MensajePublicado: Dom Feb 14, 2010 8:51 pm  Asunto:  Conferencia sobre cristales liquidos Responder citandoFin de la PáginaVolver arriba

En los próximos días el científico ruso Prof. Dr. Maxim Tomilin, de la St.-Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics visitará nuestra facultad.

Le hemos solicitado que, durante su breve estadía en nuestra Facultad, dicte las siguientes conferencias:

1. Eye and lens through millenniums’ prism (de dos horas de duración)

2. Liquid Crystals applications: displays, optical elements, devices and recording media (de cuatro horas de duración).

El Prof. Tomilin viaja parcialmente financiado por el programa de Disertante Visitante de la International Commission for Optics (ICO) siendo un reconocido experto en cristales líquidos y en historia de la óptica.

Entrada libre y gratuita. No se requiere inscripción previa

Miércoles 17/02/10 16.00 - 18.00hs Aula 301

Eye and lens through millenniums’ prism

1. Archeological optics: crystal lens in Ancient Egypt and Babylon for imitation the sculpture eyes of pharaohs, idols and secret animals. The mystery of Schliemann lenses discovered at Troy.

2. Ancient Greece achievements in development the models of vision based on lenses nature. Catoptrics and dioptrics. Nero’s monocle.

3. The achievements of Arabic scientists in theory of vision and ophthalmology. Reading stones.

4. Italian glassmakers and the invention of the spectacles, telescopes and microscopes.

5. Adaptive lenses based on liquid crystals are on the way to replace crystalline lens in eye after cataract ablation.

6. Conclusion: 5 millennium duration of the helicoids pitch.

Jueves 18/02/10 16.00 - 20.00hs. Aula 301

Liquid Crystals applications: displays, optical elements, devices and recording media

* LC applications. There are 3 main fields of LCs application: information displays (85% of all flat panel displays are based on LCs); photonic devices (lasers and different types of optical modulators); recording media (detecting of different nature physical fields).
* Displays: Avionics is the advanced guard of information technology. The Basic principles of information displays will be discussed: active matrix LCDs, display technologies applications, transparent and reflective displays, display on elastic substrates. The basic principle of twist nematic displays (TND) will be discussed in details. The main disadvantage of TND is limited field of view. Super-twist displays, twist in plane and vertical alignment structures were developed to solve the problem. 3D displays based on stereo effects and autostereoscopic displays are already developed and would be common practice soon. Future display technologies will summarize this part.
* PHOTONIC DEVICES include: lasers on LCs, adaptive lenses and phase correctors, modulators: deflectors, shutters, switchers, local space modulation for preventing from blinding objects; optical communication; optical image processing: contouring, filtration etc; neuronal nets. All these devices will be illustrated by examples.
* Recording media: temperature, electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, mechanical (acoustic) fields detecting and fields of intermolecular forces detecting may be efficiently visualized using LC materials. The new microscope principle to visualize the invisible physical fields distribution on the surface of investigation will be explained.

One-page Curriculum Vitae of proposed lecturer.

Maxim G. Tomilin, professor, full doctor of science, member of Russian Engineering Academy of Science.

Fields of interest: LC applications, information displays, biophotonics, LC interaction with the surface, nondestructive testing of material surfaces, optics history. The author of 300 scientific and 60 popular papers, 4 scientific books (“The interaction of LC with the solid surface”, 2001, 325 p.; “The properties of LC materials”, 2005, 296 p., with co-author S. Pestov; “Fife millennium of optics: prehistory”, 2006, 315 p., “Fife millennium of optics: antiquity”, in publishing, with co-author S. Stafeev); 40 patents. Visited more than 30 universities at different countries with lectures and seminars on original topics: “LC vision as a new tool for detecting the invisible physical field’s distribution on the surface of materials in optical technology, crystallography, medicine and biology” and other lectures on optics of LCs.

For 40 years he was the leading scientist at S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute at SPb. Now he reads a year course of lectures for the students of Saint-Petersburg University of information technologies, mechanics and optics: “LC materials and their applications” and one week course at Moscow University (Physics Department).He was invited to present the tutorial lecture at International Photonics conference LC MATERIALS AS UNIQUE RECORDING MEDIA FOR PHOTONICS (Hyderabad, India, 2006).

He is a member of advisory committee of condensed material physics conferences organized by Bulgarian academy of science. He has a medal of Russian Optical Society (2007).

Russian SID chapter director (1997-2001), Senior SID member (2005). Organizer of 10 International Conferences and Meetings on LCs in Russia.

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