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Autor Mensaje
Nivel 4

Edad: 45
Registrado: 11 Dic 2006
Mensajes: 96
Ubicación: Houston

MensajePublicado: Mar Oct 13, 2009 8:26 pm  Asunto:  Charla de Neurociencia del Sistema Visual
De Mar Oct 26, 2010 1:00 pm a Mar Oct 26, 2010 1:59 pm (incluído)
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El Lunes 26 de Octubre de 11hs a 12hs en el IBYME-CONICET(Vta. De
Obligado 2490, CABA) el profesor de la Univ. de Texas-Houston Dr. Dragoi va a dar una charla sobre sus investigaciones en el sistema visual del mono. Esta buscando estudiantes de doctorado y postdoc, asi que si piensan que les puede llegar a interesar vayan! Yo complete mi doctorado hace poco con el, y es un lugar muy copado para laburar si te interesa la combinacion entre biologia e ingenieria (se hace mucho modelo, programacion y analisis avanzado de datos). Me pueden consultar si tienen alguna pregunta al respecto. La charla es en ingles.

Les paso aca la info completa, lo organiza el instituto de ingenieria Biomedica de FIUBA (4to piso).


El Laboratorio de Biología del Comportamiento del IBYME y el Instituto
de Ingeniería Biomédica UBA invitan a la conferencia del Dr. V.
Dragoi, profesor del Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
University of Texas-Houston Medical School, USA ( La misma
será el lunes 26 del corriente de 11hs a 12hs en el IBYME (Vta. De
Obligado 2490, CABA). El Dr. Dragoi estará disponible para consultas y
entrevistar posibles candidatos para estudios doctorales o
postdoctorales desde las 13hs a las 18hs. Por razones organizativas,
los interesados en ser entrevistados por favor contactar a:


Understanding the rules by which brain networks represent incoming
stimuli in population activity to influence the accuracy of behavioral
responses remains one of the deepest mysteries in neuroscience. The
research goal of my laboratory is to investigate the real-time
operation of neuronal networks in multiple brain areas and their
capacity to undergo adaptive changes and plasticity. What are the
fundamental units of network computation and the principles that
govern their relationship with behavior? I will describe our recent
studies employing electrophysiological techniques to record from large
pools of cells in the non-human primate brain while the animal
performs a behavioral task. We find that spatio-temporal correlations
between neurons could act as an active ‘switch’ to control network and
behavioral performance in real time by modulating the communication
between cortical networks. We believe that ‘cracking’ the mysteries of
the population code will offer unique insight into a network-based
mechanistic explanation of behavior and new therapeutic solutions to
cure brain dysfunction.

Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy University of Texas-Houston
Medical School, USA

A full-time postdoctoral position in systems and computational
neuroscience is available immediately in Dr. Valentin Dragoi’s
laboratory in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the
University of Texas-Houston Medical School. The position will offer
opportunities for multiple-electrode recordings in the visual cortex
of behaving monkey and computational approaches. The goal of the
project is to simultaneously record neuronal activity in multiple
visual cortical areas involved in perceptual decisions. The ideal
candidate would have a strong background in systems and/or
computational neuroscience as well as experience in neurophysiological
recording techniques. Knowledge of Matlab, C++, and statistical
modeling would be a plus. Completion of the PhD degree in
neuroscience, psychology, engineering, physics, or related field is
required before the start date. The Department of Neurobiology and
Anatomy at the University of Texas-Houston Medical School offers a
first-class training and research environment in systems and
computational neuroscience, and a highly collaborative environment
with scientists at Baylor College of Medicine, Rice University, and
University of Houston. To apply, please send a CV and brief statement
of research interests to

Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic

Sagitario Género:Masculino Caballo OfflineGalería Personal de gutnisVer perfil de usuarioEnviar mensaje privadoVisitar sitio web del usuario
Nivel 4

Edad: 45
Registrado: 11 Dic 2006
Mensajes: 96
Ubicación: Houston

MensajePublicado: Vie Oct 23, 2009 10:58 am  Asunto:  (Sin Asunto) Responder citandoFin de la PáginaVolver arriba

Solo para hacerles recordar que la charla es el prox. Lunes!

Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic

Sagitario Género:Masculino Caballo OfflineGalería Personal de gutnisVer perfil de usuarioEnviar mensaje privadoVisitar sitio web del usuario

Edad: 39
Registrado: 25 Ago 2005
Mensajes: 3123
Ubicación: En la rama de un árbol... entre locos.
Carrera: Electrónica y Informática
MensajePublicado: Sab Oct 24, 2009 6:01 pm  Asunto:  (Sin Asunto) Responder citandoFin de la PáginaVolver arriba


Yo estoy casi seguro que voy a poder ir.


El horóscopo del ingeniero es un poco más amplio. Se compone de Amor, Dinero, Salud, Simetría y Linealidad Causa-Efecto.

Aquario Género:Masculino Rata OfflineGalería Personal de FhranVer perfil de usuarioEnviar mensaje privado
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